Artists projects

São Paulo: Bridges, Tunnels and Viaducts
Edited by Carla Zaccagnini
Drawings by Nicolás Robbio

These are territories where the modern desire for a national ordering of the world is condensed and juxtaposed with the contemporary reality of its organization by adaptability." –Carla Zaccagnini, 'São Paulo: Bridges
Tunnels, and Viaducts'. Farsites, inSite_05.

Duration: 30 sec.

Allora & Calzadilla, Signs Facing the Sky, inSite05.

Allora & Calzadilla, Signs Facing the Sky, inSite_05 (process).

Allora & Calzadilla, Signs Facing the Sky, inSite_05 (project presentation).

Terry Allen, Cross The Razor, inSITE94

Ulf Rollof & Michael Schnorr, Abandonado II, 1994 (interview)

Andrea Fraser, Inaugural Speech, INSITE97

Judith Barry, Consigned to Border: The terror and possibility in the things not seen: five-sided billboard, INSITE97 (documentation).

Thomas Glassford, City of Greens, INSITE97 (film).