
24.09.2005 — 26.03.2025

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Iván Díaz Robledo _ Damon Holzborn _ Liisa Lounila _ Magaly Ponce


The dense network of sensorial indices—visual and auditory—that pollute, anesthetize, and redefine social space today has not only provided new practices of knowledge, but has also introduced us to more complex visual and literary narratives during the last decade. The decision to commission Ellipsis responded to an interest in experimenting with temporary models of social adhesion. We sought to provoke situations involving distinct modalities of time, evolving languages, and identities in flux that could be brought into collision in the intersection between the “spectacle” and the “gathering.”

The specificity of the Caliente Racetrack (the ex-Hipódromo, Tijuana’s former racetrack and current gambling center) located within a highly politically charged and visually intense context became the backdrop to this “event.” Ellipsis raised questions about the use of sound and image to create a random/improvised model of interaction that would also stimulate critical awareness and/or challenge prevailing models of group belonging.

Venue: Caliente Racetrack, Tijuana