The Tomb/Magical Ritual, 1994

Álvaro Blancarte’s project, The Tomb/Magical Ritual/La tumba/ritual mágico, was located in the gardens of the Centro Cultural Tijuana. Erected amidst a formation of stones, the project was composed of towering and intersecting wooden beams fastened to each other with heavy rope from which a number of individual stones were hung, suggesting a calculated balancing act. Created as an homage to the region’s ethnic populations, the project became a site for ritual performances by ethnic groups during the opening of inSITE94.

Curator: Comité Baja California
Organizers: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Univ. Autónoma de Baja California, Univ. Iberoamericana-Plantel Noroeste, Centro Cultural Tijuana, Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, H. XIV Ayuntamiento de Tijuana
Venue: Centro Cultural Tijuana

Additional project sponsors
Teléfonos del Noroeste, Promotora de Vivienda y Dessarrollos.